12 Photos Showing the Pain That Olympians Have to Withstand in Order to Succeed


The ultimate goal of every athlete is to compete in the Olympics with the finest. They had to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and risk their bodies in order to accomplish that. As with food and water for the rest of us, this implies that minor wounds, tiredness, and recovery are just a fact of life for them. And for many of them, making these sacrifices is all it takes to earn a medal.

1. Bartosz Huzarski demonstrates how his legs altered as an amateur rider as opposed to a professional cyclist.

Olympians’ Leg © huzarskibartosz / Instagram

2. An x-ray depicting the shape of a gymnast’s body during a workout

© DockyardHoneys / imgur

3. Hidilyn Diaz, a weightlifter from the Philippines, has scars on her hands.

© paodelrosario / Twitter

4. Ice bath with a 30 lb block of ice for Ryan Lochte

5. Most athletes do Cupping therapy

6. Result of cupping Therapy, Marks Leave There After

cupping Therapy | © ddp images/AFP/EAST NEWS

7. Eythora Thorsdottir, a gymnast, has extraordinary flexibility.

8. Anthony Ervin, a swimmer, shaves everything save his head.

9. Olympic cyclist Robert Foerstemann has oversized quads

Olympic cyclist Robert Foerstemann

10. A swarm of box jellyfish struck marathon swimmer Diana Nyad in 2011 when she was swimming in the ocean.

marathon swimmer Diana Nyad | © AFP/EAST NEWS© Depositphotos.com

11. Nadia Comaneci, who ranks in the top 10 in gymnastics, has ideal legs and posture.

Nadia Comaneci

12. Olympic gold medallist and rower Alex Gregory’s hands after hours of wearing damp gloves

© AlexGregoryGB / twitter

Which image shocked you the most and brought home the point that athletes work extremely hard to achieve their potential?

Preview photo credit m_phelps00 / instagramddp images/AFP/EAST NEWS