On Friday night, actor Priyanka Chopra was spotted in Mumbai, attending her brother Siddharth Chopra’s wedding to his fiancĂ©e Neelam Upadhyaya. This year in April, they had their Roka ceremony, and Priyanka attended as well. Priyanka touched down in India early on Friday morning.
Priyanka and her companion can be seen arriving at the wedding location in several photos and videos that have been released by paparazzi accounts. Priyanka was spotted wearing a top that matched her shimmering pink saree. She wore a lot of jewellery and wore her hair up in a bun. PC had a bag as well.
Priyanka waved to the paparazzi as she posed for pictures at the event, grinning. She said, “Thank you,” to a paparazzo who greeted her as she arrived in India.
The photographers were waiting for her to pose outside when she was subsequently seen exiting the premises. The actor, who appeared hurriedly, said to the photographers, “You have to take the pictures quickly because I have to leave. Aapko jaldi lena hoga, main nikal rahi hoon.” I’m grateful. She said, “Milti hoon na main, hoon yaha pe (Ill meet, I’m here now),” as she got into her car after a pap told her she wasn’t available.
The Bluff, Priyanka Chopra’s forthcoming film, has concluded filming.
Priyanka posted a video of Mumbai’s lights from her window seat on the plane. She captioned the video “Mumbai meri Jaan (Mumbai, my heart)” and posted it to her Instagram story.
Priyanka was in Mumbai earlier this month for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding. Her spouse, Nick Jonas, was with her. In addition, she expressed her happiness at being a part of the event and posted images from it.
“I missed chaats and dancing at baraats!” she wrote.