A popular person in the Indian entertainment scene Shehnaaz Gill was recently at the centre of controversy after a video appeared online displaying her inadvertently lowering the Indian flag, causing it to touch the ground multiple times. Her admirers and followers took offence at this act and swiftly criticised her behaviour.
The footage, which was originally from an Independence Day celebration, made a comeback online and gained negative attention.
Shehnaaz is shown holding the flag triumphantly in the video, but inadvertently letting it fall.
Netizens expressed their disappointment and chastised her for what they saw as her disrespect for the national symbol, sparking a wave of negative responses.
Her normally great public image has been overshadowed by this occurrence, which has caused major criticism despite her popularity and the love she receives from her admirers.
Shehnaaz Gill has been actively pursuing her acting career as a vocation. She has lately acted in the films “Thank You for Coming,” “Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan,” and “Honsla Rakh.” She is in talks to be cast in the online series “Broken But Beautiful 5,” and she will be the lead in the soon-to-be film “Sab First Class.”