In a charming coincidence, Kartik Sharma, the cricket player Virat Kohli’s twin, visited One 8 Commune, the cricketer’s restaurant. The resultant video of this visit went viral and showed the hilarious responses of people who thought Sharma was a well-known cricket player and those inside the restaurant.
Sarthak Sachdeva, a content creator well-known for his captivating films, visited the restaurant with Sharma. The film, which follows them from the moment they arrive until they depart after eating, features a variety of reactions from the taken-aback bystanders.
Many patrons and employees were shocked, thinking they were in Virat Kohli’s company.
Many have praised the video as “epic” and “hilarious” on social media in response to the humorous uncertainty.
The viral video shows Sharma, who is well-known on the internet for having a striking resemblance to Virat Kohli, having fun at One 8 Commune. There was a lot of misunderstanding among people who watched Sharma because of how much he resembled Kohli. In response to the video, Sharma commented, “Fun to be at One8,” expressing how much he was enjoying himself.
With more than 1.5 million views since its publication, the video’s appeal is clear. Instagram users have responded to the humorous content in several ways, using the platform to express their laughter. “This was next level” and “This is just too hilarious” were among the comments left by users, many of whom expressed their excitement by replying with laughing emojis.
Kartik Sharma, a software engineer by trade, has amassed a sizable fan base on Instagram, where he frequently posts videos highlighting how much he looks like Virat Kohli. His content frequently showcases him wearing Indian cricket jerseys, emphasising his resemblance to the player. Sharma continues to engage his audience with comparable content on his popular YouTube channel.
Watch the video here:
In addition to making viewers laugh, this humorous show called attention to the unusual phenomena of famous lookalikes. For both fans and bystanders, Sharma’s visit to Kohli’s eatery and the resulting confusion created a memorable scene.
What do you think of this amusing video that shows the twin of Virat Kohli? Did that also make you laugh and surprised?