The Side Effects of Oversleeping: Is Too Much Sleep Harmful


If you’ve observed that you require more than nine hours of sleep to feel rested, it may indicate that you have a health problem. especially if you have a history of dozing off at odd hours and odd places. It is crucial to delve a little further into the root of your oversleeping problem for this reason. Oversleeping is frequently disregarded because people believe it is a result of hard workdays. However, if you don’t pay attention to this, you can end up disregarding the real issue, which could have some negative consequences.

We can tell you what causes you to oversleep and feel exhausted even after 12 hours of sleep. Also, keep in mind that being a “good sleeper” is not important.

Please note that this content is provided purely for informational purposes. Please visit your doctor to receive a diagnosis and professional guidance.

You might be suffering from hypersomnia.

sleep, cause, oversleep, period, codition, hypersomnia, depressed, suffering

Hypersomnia, which is the reverse of insomnia, is a condition marked by prolonged periods of sleep during the day or night. In fact, having this illness might also make you drowsy during the day. In this situation, you might be able to doze off while driving or working. You will probably feel worn out and exhausted even if you get more sleep than is advised.

Feeling drowsy and exhausted during the day, having trouble waking up in the morning, and thinking that taking naps during the day doesn’t help at all are some signs of hypersomnia. All of this may result in worry, agitation, difficulty thinking clearly (slower thinking), headaches, and loss of appetite.

Around 2% of persons worldwide are affected by this illness. This problem may affect you if you frequently wake up in the middle of the night or if you can’t even recall when you woke up throughout the night. Healthline states that it typically starts in your childhood. To get your health back on track and find out what might be the cause of this problem, speak with your doctor if you have never felt as exhausted as you do now that you are an adult.

To be ready for the appointment, it is advised that you perform some of your own check-ups before going to the doctor. In a diary, you can record your sleep habits, including when you go to sleep and when you wake up.

You might be depressed.

sleep, cause, oversleep, period, codition, hypersomnia, depressed, suffering

While some adults have sleeplessness as a symptom of depression, some adults, along with children and teenagers, also experience oversleeping as a result of this illness. Oversleeping can be a warning that you shouldn’t ignore if you are ignoring or unaware that you are experiencing depression.

Also, Read What Your Sleeping Habits May Say About You and Your Health

Oversleeping can be a sign of depression, which is a serious condition. While it often occurs throughout adolescence, sleeplessness is more common in older persons. However, if an elderly person consistently oversleeps, it may be a sign of depression and they need medical attention. In addition, women typically sleep more and have extreme fatigue during the day when they are depressed.

Your heart might be the cause.

sleep, cause, oversleep, period, codition, hypersomnia, depressed, suffering

Oversleeping is one of the indicators that you could have a heart condition. This also applies to drowsiness during the day. Even while you may feel worn out and drained, it may not necessarily be from working hard. Because of this, it might be difficult to determine whether your inability to sleep for more than 9 hours in a 24-hour period is due to cardiac problems.

You should consider checking your thyroid.

sleep, cause, oversleep, period, codition, hypersomnia, depressed, suffering, thyroid

There are two thyroid conditions that have an impact on sleep. One of them produces insomnia, whereas the other leads to oversleeping or the constant sense of being exhausted. For instance, hypothyroidism can result in daytime sleepiness and tiredness after sleeping more than 8 hours a day. It is advisable to have your thyroid checked if you do not have any other health issues but are sleeping more than is advised.

Our thyroids produce hormones, and if they produce too many of them, you may have frequent nighttime awakenings, irritability, and nighttime perspiration. However, if your thyroid produces too few or too few hormones, this might interfere with your sleep by making you feel too cold or giving you muscle ache. In addition, it can result in a person sleeping too much throughout the day, which makes it difficult for them to stay awake.

It is best to get medical attention for this problem by having a blood test done so your doctor can determine whether you have any thyroid problems. There are a few things you may do to eliminate your tiredness and lead a better lifestyle if this becomes an issue for you. You can locate your optimum sleeping temperature, create your ideal night ritual with music (or even take a bath before bed), reduce your coffee and drug intake, and find your optimal sleeping temperature.

You might be sleeping more during a specific season.

sleep, cause, oversleep, period, codition, hypersomnia, depressed, suffering, thyroid

SAD is another name for this condition. The effects of various seasons vary on people who experience this medical condition. Oversleeping is a symptom of SAD winter onset, commonly referred to as winter depression.

Every year, this particular sort of depression begins and ends around the same time. People typically start to experience symptoms in the fall and continue into the winter, making them cranky and irritable. But these symptoms typically become better in the spring and summer.

This is brought on by a variety of symptoms, not only excessive tiredness. You can have feelings of helplessness, difficulty focusing, poor energy, and a loss of interest in your typical favourite activities. This can be treated with medications, but you can also alter your mentality. It is advised to take action to maintain your motivation and attitude throughout the year.

You are sleeping less than 6 hours per night.


Yes, inadequate sleep can lead to major issues with oversleeping. Lack of sleep can cause you to sleep more than normal, whether on purpose or due to other circumstances. You should not be interrupted during your sleep period. If not, you can find yourself snoozing longer during the day, possibly even taking naps during the day.

When working a night shift, getting a little exercise, or even taking too much medication, people may oversleep. When your legs are constantly moving around and you can’t stop, you have a condition called restless leg syndrome. Additionally, it may prevent you from falling asleep and leave you feeling exhausted when you wake up.

Your sleep might be disturbed by obstructive sleep apnea.


The obstruction of the airways causes obstructive sleep apnea. In the end, the upper airways collapse for 10 seconds. This can occur hundreds of times throughout the night. As a result, we experience frequent sleep interruptions and require more hours of sleep to feel rested. We become drowsy during the day when we don’t obtain those hours of sleep. If you can fall asleep anywhere, at any time, others might mistake you for a “good sleeper.”

Most toddlers and adults who have sleep apnea also have it. Unless the person you sleep next to informs you that you snore excessively, you might not be aware that you have this condition. Your breathing is interrupted in this situation, which causes you to obtain less sleep and wake up feeling extremely exhausted from class or work. Additionally, it may put you at risk if you nod off while driving.

How many hours a day do you sleep? Have you noticed any medical issues that could be the cause of your excessive sleep?
