4 Signs You’re Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard, and 4 Ways You Can Fix It


Some people believe that brushing their teeth vigorously is required to eradicate plaque. This is far from the case, as the plaque is so delicate that it can be removed with a piece of cloth. A toothbrush is required since a towel cannot reach all of the corners of your mouth. So you don’t need to use a lot of pressure, but rather a thorough brushing all around your lips.


1. You’re noticing that your gums are receding.


Enamel protects each of our teeth, which can be badly damaged by over brushing. Our gums may begin to recede as a result of the damage to enamel, putting the roots of our teeth in grave danger. If your teeth have deteriorated to that extent, you may need fillings, root canals, or even tooth extractions. According to dentists, around 10% to 20% of the world’s population has gum disease as a result of excessive brushing.

2. Your teeth are excruciatingly sensitive.

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Teeth can feel sensitive as the enamel is scraped away, similar to receding gums. It’s because the roots of your teeth are left uncovered, causing their nerves to be severely damaged. If you have trouble drinking very hot or very cold beverages or chewing hard food, you should see your doctor. You should also begin cleaning your teeth in a more relaxed and gentle manner.

3. Your toothbrush’s bristles appear to be frayed.

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The most prevalent cause of dental abrasion is toothbrush abrasion, which means that many people wash their teeth incorrectly. It’s either because they brush too hard or because they use toothbrushes with hard bristles, both of which are damaging to the teeth. So, if your toothbrush appears like it needs to be replaced every few weeks, you’re probably brushing too hard. Yes, you should replace it every 3-4 months, but it should still appear to be in good condition.

4. Your teeth near your gums are dull and unattractive.


Because your teeth aren’t protected by enamel behind your gums, they’re a little darker. That’s why, as your gums recede, the teeth visible behind them become more yellow or deeper in colour. They’re exposed to all types of germs and bacteria because they don’t have enamel to protect them. As a result, the condition worsens, jeopardising the overall health of your teeth.


1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.


Your teeth are harmed not only by the pace with which you brush, but also by the quality of the toothbrush you use. The first step is to choose soft bristles; after that, you must reconsider your brushing technique. Brush your teeth gently back and forth while holding your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle. You can try gripping it with your non-dominant hand to reduce the amount of pressure you exert.

2. Brush your teeth using an electric toothbrush.

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Many toothbrushes have a handy feature that alerts you when you apply too much pressure. Its light will change from green to red, and it will begin to emit a new sound, similar to that of an alert. As a result, you must ensure that the light remains green while you brush, indicating that you are using the proper amount of pressure. However, this sensor is not found on all electric toothbrushes, so make sure you check the box first.

3. Use only three fingers to hold your toothbrush.


Holding your toothbrush in your hand like a pen will assist you in applying the proper pressure to your teeth. This is because you have complete control over the force you apply to your hand. When you hold your toothbrush in your fist, on the other hand, it’s easy to lose track of your force and overbrush. It’s not the pressure that cleans your teeth; it’s the bristles’ ability to penetrate in between all of your teeth and remove plaque and bacteria.

4. Use a toothpaste that is low-abrasive.

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Our toothpaste needs to be abrasive enough to accomplish its job and clean our teeth effectively. High-abrasive toothpaste, on the other hand, does more than that, removing the enamel from our teeth. There is another approach you can use instead of reading labels and checking for how abrasive the components are.

Simply rub a small bit of your toothpaste onto a piece of foil. Then clean it thoroughly with water to see whether any scratches remain on the foil. The number of scratches on the toothbrush will reveal how abrasive the toothpaste is.

What has helped you solve the problem and restore the health of your teeth, if you suffer from the symptoms listed above?