Silent Hill Short Message Length: Full Game & Gameplay


Silent Hill: The Short Message is an immersive horror game that offers about two and a half hours of gameplay. Each chapter lasts around 40 to 45 minutes, providing players with an engaging experience filled with exploration and challenges.

Released by Konami and HexaDrive in 2024, Silent Hill:

The Short Message is set in Germany and follows the story of Anita, a teenager who begins receiving mysterious texts from her deceased friend, Maya. Players guide Anita through an abandoned building as she unravels clues hidden in Maya’s messages, all while being pursued by a terrifying monster covered in flower petals, adding suspenseful moments of evasion.

The game adopts a first-person perspective, allowing players to see through Anita’s eyes. While combat is not part of the gameplay, players will encounter thought-provoking themes such as bullying, social media, and the gravity of suicide. Some players appreciate the game’s visuals, eerie atmosphere, and exploration of significant issues. Notably, Silent Hill: The Short Message is free to play, although some players may have criticisms regarding gameplay mechanics, the narrative, or the intense chase sequences.

The Storyline of Silent Hill: The Short Message

Silent Hill: The Short Message follows Anita’s journey to decipher Maya’s messages. Anita is drawn to an abandoned apartment building named Villa in Kettenstadt, Germany. As she explores, she comes across Maya’s artworks, triggering memories of her own struggles with online bullying.

The storyline takes a darker turn when Anita becomes the target of a monster adorned with cherry blossoms. Confused and frightened, Anita attempts to contact Maya but receives no response. Eventually, she learns from her friend Amelie that Maya died by suicide, jumping off the Villa’s roof.

Haunted by guilt and confusion, Anita continues to explore the building, uncovering Maya’s hidden messages and confronting painful memories. She realizes that her jealousy contributed to Maya’s cries for help being overlooked, leading to her friend’s tragic demise.

In a moment of clarity, Anita decides to confront her past and embrace Maya’s friendship. By facing her fears and regrets, Anita breaks free from the Villa’s curse and chooses to embrace life. In the end, Anita and Amelie leave Kettenstadt behind, ready for a fresh start.

The Development of Silent Hill: The Short Message:

The development of Silent Hill: The Short Message involved a thorough examination of current societal issues and a dedication to delivering unique horror experiences to players. The game’s exploration of social media, bullying, and mental health reflects a commitment to addressing the challenges faced by today’s youth. This development approach demonstrates a genuine interest in creating meaningful experiences that resonate with both new and longtime fans of the Silent Hill series.


  1. How long does it typically take to complete Silent Hill: The Short Message?

Ans: Players can expect to invest around two and a half hours in thoroughly exploring the game.

  1. What’s the playtime like for seasoned horror gamers?

Ans: Experienced horror gamers might complete the game in less than two hours due to their familiarity with the genre.

  1. How long does each chapter last in Silent Hill: The Short Message?

Ans: On average, each chapter spans approximately 40 to 45 minutes during the initial playthrough.

  1. What factors influence the overall duration of the game?

Ans: The overall length of the game is influenced by the intensity of the challenges and the player’s chosen approach.

  1. What themes does Silent Hill: The Short Message explore?

Ans: Silent Hill: The Short Message delves into themes such as social media, bullying, and mental health.