10 Stretching Exercises to Make You As Flexible As a Cat in 4 Weeks

Stretching exercise, Flexible, Cat, well-being, agility
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In our well-being, flexibility plays a more critical role than we can realize. Experts believe that excellent agility helps you achieve better training performance, improves strength and coordination of muscles, decreases muscle pain, and avoids injury. Excellent flexibility also improves blood circulation and can play a significant role in preventing certain serious diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, and kidney problems.

1. Cat-cow stretch

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A cat-cow time is excellent to start heating the spine, and it also works on the back, chest, and shoulders mobility.

  • Get your knees and hands-on.
  • Slowly arch your back, lower your belly to the floor and lift your chin.
  • Stop for a couple of seconds.
  • Roll your back up slowly like a dog.
  • Repeat about ten times.

2. Back extension stretch

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The stretch of the back extension is great to stretch your back, make sure you don’t stretch it too much. You probably went a little too far if you feel any pain or discomfort on your chest.

  • Lie on your belly.
  • Keep your stomach down to the floor on your elbows.
  • Then push up in a pseudo-push-up position on your hands, but keep your hips on the ground.
  • Hold it for 30 seconds, repeat it three times.

3. Bridge stretch

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Not only is the bridge stretch an vital core exercise, but it is also great to stretch the chest, back, thighs, and hips.

  • Lie with your knees bent on your back.
  • Raise your knees steadily, keeping your hands and feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold it for 30 seconds, repeat it three times.

4. Side angle stretch

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The stretch of the side angle works on multiple muscles, the back, groin, hamstrings, and abs.

  • Move your feet apart for about five yards.
  • Place your arms in a parallel position to the ground.
  • Turn to the right side, bend the right knee, and put the right elbow on your shoulder.
  • Extend your left arm to the ceiling, keeping to your left hand a straight line.
  • If you can, lower your right hand behind your right foot to the ground.
  • Hold 30 seconds.
  • On the other hand, repeat.

5. Extended puppy stretch

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The extended stretch of the puppy, including the back, shoulders, and arms, is excellent for the entire upper body.

  • Hold your hands under your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips on all fours.
  • You are moving your hands forward slowly, dropping your head to the ground.
  • Keep off the floor, your arms.
  • Keep and move slowly to the starting position for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat three times.