14 Day Sugar Detox to Reset Your Body

sugar, detox, alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, damaging, consuming,

Sugar is more powerfully addictive than alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, or even heroin. Consuming too much sugar is one of the most damaging things you can do to your body.

You need to understand that sugar is only giving you with empty calories, so it is essential to quit sugar habit to prevent issues like type-2 diabetes, obesity, tooth decay, and hypertension.

Just like any addictive substance, sugar detox can be challenging. Anyone who does this will need motivation and the will to do it.

The first several days are the most challenging, but with determination, a little patience and paying attention to what you consume, it can be done.

During these 14 days of sugar detox, we urge you to adjust your diets around food like fresh fruits, vegetables, protein, good carbs, healthy fats, and unsweetened dairy.

To get rid of sugar addiction, you need to remove processed foods and sweets from the diet.


  • Lose weight and reduce body-fat
  • Have more energy
  • Improving moods
  • Improve brain function and increase your focus
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce blood sugar levels including the risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Having more stable feelings
  • Reduce sugar cravings
  • Boost your immune system, reduce inflammations and rejuvenate the skin
  • Improving digestion
  • Lowering high blood pressure

If you’re struggling with sugar cravings, low energy, trouble sleeping, I genuinely recommend the 14-day sugar detox, and It will reset your body and your dependency on sugar will be eliminated.


In the first three days of this sugar detox, it is not recommended to eat any sugars food from starch fruits and vegetables such as corn, peas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, dairy, cereals, and alcohol.

You only need to eat healthy protein, vegetables, and fats.

For example, breakfast can include three eggs. Lunch can consist of chicken, fish or tofu, or green salad.

And dinner can be green beans, tuna salad, steamed vegetables such as spinach, kale or broccoli.

Snacks include avocado, boiled eggs, grapefruit, nuts like walnuts, almonds or cashews.

Drinks include water, sugar-free tea, and black coffee.

As those first three days of the sugar detoxification are completed, you can add an apple to your diet.

On the fourth day, the apple will taste like candy. Onions will be sweet; almonds will be delicious.

Starting with the fourth day onward, you can add an apple, beans, and a dairy product every day.

Dairy products, such as yogurt, almond milk, and cheese, should be sugar-free. Fats, fibers, and proteins slow down the absorption of sugar. You can eat veggie salad.

You can likewise take vegetables with higher sugar content, such as carrots, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, cayenne pepper, garlic, scallions cucumber, carrots, green peas, okra, squash, asparagus, mushrooms, artichokes, as well as a portion of fiber-rich.

Take three glassesful of red wine can be added in the first week.

In the second week, which is the last week of the sugar detox you can add cereals, such as barley, quinoa, and oatmeal, but also more fruits, including grapes, oranges, and clementines.

You can also add another 3 of red wine during last week and a 100% dark cacao chocolate every day.

Final Word: It might feel a bit weird at the beginning, but after doing it for some time, you will get used to the detox plan.
