Psychologists Defined 7 Types of Love, and Very Few People Experience the Last One


Describe love. This is a question that has long confounded philosophers and scientists. American psychologist Robert Sternberg created a three-part theory of love in the 1980s that focuses on emotional closeness, passion, and commitment. He asserts that these three ideas make up for the lovely emotion that countless songs and books have been written about. Later, as a result of his theory, Sternberg distinguished 7 different varieties of love, which we will discuss in this article.

We think that emotions evolve throughout time. You and your lover could just require more time if you haven’t reached the seventh sort of love yet.

Types Of Love In A Relationship

1. Infatuation

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In spite of knowing one other hardly at all, there is mutual attraction throughout this time. In such a relationship, the partners frequently have no notion whether they have anything in common or not, yet they continue to be together.

The psychologist claims that this infatuation can eventually develop into something more substantial, although it doesn’t always do so. Many relationships end at this stage of love.

2. Liking

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You are always free to be who you are in these interactions. In this kind of love, people are frequently brought together by shared passions, worldviews, and a sense of comprehension. According to psychologists, such closeness without passion and dedication is more likely to lead to friendship than true love.

3. Empty love

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When a couple is experiencing this kind of love, there is only commitment; there is no passion or intimacy. Sometimes a big, passionate love precedes this kind of relationship, and other times it’s the other way around: people who experience empty love might evolve, adding passion to their sentiments.

4. Fatuous love

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Many couples have experienced this kind of love, which consists of dedication and passion. This type of love occurs when two people are really attracted to one another and are willing to adhere to certain traditions, such as costly weddings, exchanging vows, and sharing household responsibilities, but they lack actual intimacy.

Such couples, according to psychologists, can cohabitate for a very long time, although their level of happiness varies. They don’t even consider their partner to be a friend.

5. Romantic love

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Passion and closeness are features of this kind of love. Such couples have a strong attraction to one another and enjoy being close to one another, but they are not prepared to commit in a long-term relationship. These kinds of relationships frequently don’t go to the point of cohabitation or marriage.

6. Companionate

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Commitment and closeness are characteristics of romantic love. These connections are far more substantial than a typical friendship, and the couples are genuinely attached to one another. However, given that this kind of love is not passionate, this is a fairly chaste arrangement. According to psychologists, a companionate relationship can develop after a lengthy period of marriage or acquaintanceship.

7. Consummate love

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All three elements of love—passion, emotional closeness, and commitment—are present in this love. Although they don’t always perform at the same level, it’s crucial to recognise that they are all present. This kind of relationship is uncommon, but when it does exist, the people in it are genuinely in love with one another. These couples will probably be able to have a happy marriage and live long lives together.

According to psychologists, everyone has many sorts of love throughout their lifetime. They sometimes approach a new level and get closer to the same partner. However, it can also occur with other people. Regardless, your relationship might not fall under one of the conventional 7 categories of love and instead strike a balance between two of them.

You can use this typology to determine the type of relationship you’re in right now and whether it’s worthwhile to keep it going. If you talk about it with your spouse, perhaps over time you can change your current type of love into one that both of you are content with.

What kind of love have you previously encountered? In the comments, share your experiences.

Types of love as in the Bible, Types Of Love In A Relationship, Types of love test, what is types of love

Preview photo credit Three Steps Above Heaven / Globo Media S.A. and co-producersEnemy / Mecanismo Films and co-producers