What 10 Celebs Look Like Right After They Take They’re Makeup Off


We can’t help but enjoy their beauty if we flip through magazines or scroll down the Instagram or Twitter of celebrities. We would assume that beauty level is only possible with the aid of makeup, but some celebrities prove that without makeup, their natural beauty is just as stunning, if not better.

1. Demi Lovato

© ddlovato / instagram© Photoshot/REPORTER

2. Lady Gaga

ladygaga / instagram© ladygaga / instagram

3. Beyoncé

beyonce / instagram© beyonce / instagram

4. Sofia Vergara

© sofiavergara / instagram© Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Mega Agency/East News

5. Gwyneth Paltrow

6. Chrissy Teigen

© johnlegend / instagram© chrissyteigen / instagram

7. Kesha

© KeshaRose / twitter© Kathy Hutchins / shutterstock

8. Adriana Lima

© adrianalima / instagram© adrianalima / instagram

9. Jessica Alba

10. Gigi Hadid

 gigihadid / instagram© gigihadid / instagram