Why We Should Start Sleeping Without Any Pajamas


According to this study, individuals who sleep less are more likely to have excess weight issues, appear to be less active, and are generally less healthy. As it turns out, though, one of the best ways to prevent any of this is to take your pyjamas off.

1. It helps you sleep better.

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It turns out that while our body temperature is much lower, we sleep better. Even a small rise such as 1.1 ° F (0.4 ° C) can have an effect on the areas of the brain that monitor sleep cycles, thereby disrupting our sleep. Obviously, more heat will be generated by any extra clothes, which is why sleeping nude is the best option.

2. It protects our skin.

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A survey found that 13 nights for men and 17 nights for women is the average amount of time people wore their pyjamas before washing them. Hygiene experts warn, though, that it’s not enough to shield us from the dangerous bacteria frequently gathered by these pyjamas. In addition, textiles are able to produce chemicals that penetrate and irritate our skin, so sleeping nude is much healthier.

3. It improves relationships.

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In mothers and their infants, skin-to-skin contact has been shown to increase the production of the “love hormone,” oxytocin, contributing to a stronger bond between them. But in addition, as the study states in the book, Close Encounters: Contact in Relationships: “If they contact us, we feel more connected to others.” So sleeping without any clothes on will offer you more time to interact, helping you feel closer to your partner.

4. It prevents weight gain.

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It can also help us to remain slimmer by keeping our bodies warmer at night. A study found that, because people who slept in the colder rooms burned 75 calories more than those who slept in warmer conditions, cold temperatures improve our calorie-burning abilities. Pyjamas would probably keep you warmer, but you’d better take them off to avoid additional pounds from being added.

5. It boosts our self-esteem.

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Interestingly enough, a study has shown that being nude helps us feel better about our bodies, allowing us to make our lives more fulfilled. And, of course, nighttime is the perfect time to do it, so try to sleep nude, which can influence your self-image, leaving you generally feeling more secure.

Would you prefer to sleep with or without pyjamas? About why?