International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora is Avid Yoga Practioner, Her Yoga Pics Are Viral

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora is a committed yoga practitioner, as evidenced by the countless Instagram posts she has made on yoga. On International Yoga Day, you’ll be motivated by the energising yoga poses of the fitness enthusiasts.

Malaika Arora Hot Yoga

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

As she encourages all of her followers to begin the new year on a better note with yoga, Malaika Arora looks as lovely as ever.

Follow Malaika Arora’s example and begin your yoga lessons immediately.

Malaika Arora, yoga day, yoga pose, internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora, a dedicated practitioner of Bollywood yoga, never skips a day off her schedule. She frequently shares workout videos on social media to motivate her fans to live healthier lives.

International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora performs the Surya Namaskar

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora regularly practises yoga. Fitness enthusiasts would immediately identify how she has mastered the Surya Namaskar, a 12-asana programme.

International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora demonstrates the pigeon pose

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora experiments with a reclining pigeon posture modification, which improves the body’s flexibility and blood flow.

International Yoga Day in 2024: Malaika Arora demonstrates the boat pose.

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
Credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora does Naukasana (Boat Pose), which calls for you to balance your body while lifting your legs into the air.

International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora Demonstrates Dog Pose

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora is a strong proponent of yoga and exhorts her followers to follow suit.

International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora Demonstrates Child Pose

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,internationa yoga day 2022
credit: Instagram

Malaika Arora is well-known for her rigorous fitness regimen and frequently updates her followers on social media with fitness advice.

International Yoga Day 2024: Malaika Arora Demonstrates Controlled Breathing

Malaika Arora yoga, Malaika Arora hot yoga, Malaika Arora yoga pose, Malaika Arora yoga pics,
credit: Instagram

Malaika teaches how to create a healthy training regimen and how to keep it simple. Pranayama, particularly Anulom Vilom, has been utilised to improve both physical and mental health since the dawn of time.