10+ Photos That Prove No One Is Safe From a Bad Day

Photos, prove, Safe, Bad day, Camera, beautiful picture, place,

In your camera, you may have beautiful pictures complete with poses, places you’ve been, or stills of the important events in your life. But nothing holds a candle to the “once-in-a-lifetime” pictures showing disasters only milliseconds before they occur. We’re talking about moments before a drink spills on the gown of a bride, or a bird that takes away your food when you click on a photo— the instances are endless!

1. Coca Cola straight up in the nose

2. Moments before she fell and found a huge red mark on her cheek

3. Good luck with the wedding dress!

4. Push one and the others will fall down.

5. “We’re hungry, Karen! And we’re not even sorry!”

6. A long trail of forgetfulness

7. A second before the dog took a misguided jump

8. A hammer hit or real-life Thor in reverse?

9. Happy not-so-sweet 16th birthday!

10. A legit expression

11. 3 types of people in 1 frame

12. Boop!

13. The dog saw it coming.