Rumer Willis’ Viral Breastfeeding Picture Sparks Controversy


Rumer Willis, the daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, just posted a picture of herself on Instagram holding her baby Louetta. She wrote the piece to commemorate turning 35 and look back on her first year of motherhood. She stated in the article that becoming a mother has made her feel more beautiful than before.

Willis frequently posts glimpses of her life on social media, but when a fan questioned why she shared this specific image, it started a conversation. Willis clapped back, empowering everyone with a message celebrating motherhood’s strength and beauty.

Not long after, Rumer declared she had entered the ‘Hot Mom’ phase and wrote a letter that spoke to all mothers and beyond. “Dear, I wish all mothers could read this as you so aptly describe the beauty of a woman’s body and motherhood,” an admirer said to Rumer after reading it.

In a recent heartfelt Instagram post, Rumer Willis thanked her body for creating a human being from nothing, even though it now feels and looks somewhat different. She talked about how amazed she was to watch her daughter smile, how her eyes brighten up when she wakes up in the morning and sees her face, and how her small toes and flawless face complete her.

Even though Willis is aware that her body is constantly changing, she is nevertheless appreciative of everything her body has accomplished and is still capable of. “My breasts may be getting bigger and maybe sagging a little bit, but what a blessing and honour that they can nourish and feed my Lou,” she went on. They’re also a great pillow for when we share a bed.

Rumer shared a photo of herself on her 35th birthday, captioning it, “Ridiculously sunburnt and feeding my Lou,” and revealed that she had discovered she was expecting her first child on her previous birthday.

She has never felt more at ease and self-assured than she does now that she is a mother. Her greatest wish is to have the courage and faith to let go of anything that no longer benefits her or her beloved daughter as she begins her 35th year of life as a woman and mother.

One follower simply inquired, “Why?” in response to this post, to which Rumer responded succinctly, “Because I want to. 😘.”

Some individuals contended that such private moments shouldn’t be shown in public, which sparked debate about the image in Rumer’s post’s comments section. Some praised the beauty and blessing of being able to breastfeed your children, arguing that as it’s the epitome of nature, nursing ought to be accepted rather than looked down upon.

Rumer went on to say, “There is an incredible amount of shame that comes with being born into a female body, and I want to lead by example. I think it’s incredibly important to share breastfeeding pictures.” teaching my daughter that she can choose how to share her body and that she should never feel ashamed of it.

Since this is her first time undertaking all of this, Bruce and Demi’s daughter will cherish every moment of the journey. She also holds the utmost respect and admiration for all the women who have gone before her on this journey. Nursing is one of those things that should be appreciated rather than stigmatised.

Rumer Willis is renowned for her social media candour and vulnerability. She even published pictures of her home birth, in which Demi Moore, her mother, is seen holding her hand as her daughter works the greatest miracle known to humankind.

Preview photo credit rumerwillis / Instagramrumerwillis / Instagram